Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"The New Me"

The tradition of making a resolution on New Year's Day and trying to stick with it for a whole year has been done for centuries.Here's how modern promises like doing good acts will be on my list especially to the people who always see the good side of every person and that we should never fail to be a blessing to everyone. I want to change my self for the better. I will change my bad attitude to good.I will give more attention to my studies.For the sake of my future.I will do my very best to change and be more responsible enough to face my 2011 life. Lets start our new year more meaningful.


  1. Hi Angelie!!
    Actually, I want to know you better. :)
    I really enjoyed reading you're post. The ideas are really arranged well and I like you're sense of humor.
    Keep it up! :)

  2. soooooo many many resolutions but sometimes we were not able to achieve for hope you will achieve your new years resolution

  3. Happy Chinese New Year ,

    Changing one's attitude is a great sacrifice.
    I know that you can do it .....
    I know that you're a good person even if I don't know you well,but in a short period of time, I believe that i can't anymore meet a person like YOU.

    Good Luck and Happy Graduation.....
